VII General Assembly of the International Federation of ballet competitions took place in Moscow – Международная федерация балетных конкурсов

VII General Assembly of the International Federation of ballet competitions took place in Moscow


In Moscow, June 17, 2013 during the XII International Ballet Competition and contest of choreographers in the hall “Faberge” of the Bolshoi Theatre there took place VII General Assembly of the International Federation of ballet competitions.

The Assembly was attended by delegates from 20 contests. The Assembly considered the current issues of its  activities on the summary reports of the delegates of the competitions. Then the President of the International Dance Committee of UNESCO  Mr. Alkis Raftis (Greece) presented to the Director General of the Federation Usanov  Sergei  a Certificate of membership of the Federation in the International Dance Committee of UNESCO.

At the plenary meeting of the Assembly Usanov Sergey  gave a report on existing scoring system and the prior system of voting to determine the strongest performers of the IFBC competitions. After the report the debate of the problem started.  At the end of the plenary meeting of the Assembly the members considered a number of applications from international competitions for the admission as  members of the Federation. As a result of the presentation of new contests and discussion of their candidates as members to  the Federation  were accepted  Open All-Russian competition of young ballet dancers and choreographers of the Forum “Ballet XXI century”, as a  candidate member of the Federation – the International Ballet Competition in Kiev. Till the next Assembly there was postponed the issue of admission to IFBC of  competitions in Nagoya (Japan) and Beijing (China). The next VIII General Assembly will be held in late March or early April in Donetsk (Ukraine). The host is  Serge Lifar  International Ballet Competition.. Thus VII General Assembly of the International Federation of ballet competitions was finished.